Regular readers of this little column know that I love bacon. Which is why, great friends that you are, you're always tipping me off to the latest bacon bits you've read, or the favorite varieties you've tried. I love you for it, really I do.
However, lately I feel that the bacon is overdone. Everyone's writing about it. Everyone's trying to outdo everyone else in creating the most outlandish bacon concoction. (
Bacon cupcakes? Really??) Of course I realize I've been as much of a culprit as anyone.
Mea culpa.
So this morning I proclaimed to the Twitterverse and my Facebookosphere that I'm over it. Enough with the bacon.
You know what happened next? An earthquake.
That's right, minutes after my pronouncement there was a 4.4 right in my backyard. Not to worry, that's not such a big one. Everyone's safe -- especially the pigs. I'm taking that earthquake as a sign, and we're going to shake things up a bit around here.
For the next 112 days* there won't be any bacon-related posts on The Fro Fro Blog. I understand this may alienate some readers, and to you, I apologize. But for the rest of you, do stick around. I have plenty of things to share with you that do not involve bacon. I'm almost positive.
*Not coincidentally, this is the number of days until my birthday. Birthday bacon -- count on it.
Is this a case of the superstitious bacon? Bacon does taste good. There was also a Francis Bacon that wrote an essay on superstition.
Posted by: Ross | March 30, 2009 at 10:26 PM