Just two weeks after my last race, the Nike Women's Half Marathon, I turned back my clock and laced up my sneaks for the U.S. Half Marathon. This race's organizers use the fact that you get to run over the Golden Gate Bridge as a selling point. However, as my dear friend Jo Jo will tell you, this isn't as much fun as it sounds -- since the bridge seems to go uphill the majority of the span in both directions. That being said, I was eager to see if I could beat my personal best of 2:15 that I set in this race last year.
The rest of the course is also largely unremarkable -- from Aquatic Park through the Presidio, over the bridge and back to Aquatic Park. I've obviously become spoiled by living in the Bay Area for so long. Most people would be thrilled with such scenery. But compare that compact course to the San Francisco Half Marathon or the Nike, and it's no contest. Though the U.S. Half is a relatively fast course, the others make you feel like you've actually gone 13 miles. That said, it was nice to do a smaller race for a change, while still having well-supported water stops and other accouterments like a nice finishers' medal.
Since I waited a week for the pics in order to write this report, much of the race is already a blur. Here's what I do remember:
1. The race announcer trying to get people riled up and excited but at the same time telling us we had to be quiet to respect the nearby neighbors. Good luck, buddy!
2. The spectacular weather.
3. The not-so-spectacular uphill immediately after the start. So it's gonna be like THAT, I guess...
4. Running over the bridge, with the aforementioned uphill-both-ways effect. Annoyance compounded by Ms. A.P. (initials to protect the innocent) who insisted on speeding up to get in front of me, then immediately slowing down once she'd done so. This happened at least three or four times.
5. The blister from two weeks ago that I thought had gone away actually hadn't. Advice anyone?
6. I do some of my best thinking when I run, and races are no different. This time I came up with two suggestions for race organizers everywhere. First, get Goody or some other hairbrush manufacturer to put brushes in the goody bags. They always give out pony tail holders, when what folks really need after the race is a good brush. Not to mention the unisex factor. Second, in every race I've run, so many people have change jingling in their pockets. It drives me crazy! I guess most folks can't hear it because they're defying the USTAF rule against headphones. Anyway, I think there should be donation stations along the course where people can drop their loose change for a good cause.
7. Crossing the finish line with a time of 2:17:31, beating my Nike time from two weeks ago by three minutes, but missing my all-time record by two and a half. Looking forward to catching it at my last race of the year, December 2 in Vegas, baby!
Crossing the bridge...
Crossing the finish line...
Crossing one more race off the list...11 down 1 to go!
Congratulations on the race! It's great to see another food blogger/marathon runner! I just ran NY in November! :-)
Posted by: sugarlaw | November 30, 2007 at 08:39 AM
Thanks so much, Katy - and congrats on NY! I just checked out your blog and knew instantly that I'll be a regular reader. Heading out to Vegas tomorrow. Can't wait!
Posted by: laurafrofro | November 30, 2007 at 09:10 AM