Since the broadcast was so long, I'll keep this short.
Beauties: Gwyneth Paltrow, Penelope Cruz, Reese Witherspoon, Diane Keaton (she's never looked better). The Dreamgirls onstage. Cameron Diaz (dress was a very nice recovery from the Globes fiasco, though I'm still not lovin' the hair). Helen Mirren. Hugh Jackman. George Clooney.
Blunders: Naomi Watts, Meryl Streep (she's never looked worse). The Dreamgirls on the red carpet (Beyonce's dress - yikes - and Jennifer Hudson's jacket should also be a Glamour Don't).
Best Couple: Mark Wahlberg & Rhea Durham
Botox Overdose: Nicole Kidman, Leo DiCaprio
Better-than-the-usual-award-show-fare: the Pilobolus Dance Troupe and the Will Ferrell/Jack Black/John C. Reilly number
Best Ad: Apple iPhone -- clips of people saying "Hello" in famous movies and TV shows, with a final shot of that gorgeous phone. See it here:
Best Line: "If there weren't blacks, Jews and gays, there would be no Oscars...or anyone named Oscar when you think about that." (Ellen)
UPDATE Check out this hilarious play-by-play of the telecast from New York Magazine: